Friday, September 3, 2010

Music bands

Below are the options provided for Music bands

5 piece band -
Bands will perform for a total of 90 minutes where clients can choose for them to perform 2 sets of 45 minutes or 3 sets of 30 minutes. The 5 piece band can consist of :
- Vocalist, Guitarist, Keyboardist, Basist and Percusionist (Drums)
- Saxaphonist, Guitarist, Keyboardist, Basist and Percusionist (Drums)
- Vocalist, Saxaphonist, Keyoardist, Basist and Percusionist (Drums)

4 piece band -
Bands will perform for a total of 90 minutes where clients can choose for them to perform 2 sets of 45 minutes or 3 sets of 30 minutes. The 4 piece band can consist of :
- Vocalist, Keyboardist, Basist and Percusionist (Drums)
- Vocalist, Guitarist, Keyboardist and Basist
- Saxaphonist, Guitarist, Keyboardist and Basist
- Saxaphonist, Keyboardist, Basist and Percusionist (Drums)

3 piece band -
Bands will perform for a total of 90 minutes where clients can choose for them to perform 2 sets of 45 minutes or 3 sets of 30 minutes. The 3 piece band can consist of :
- Vocalist, Keyboardist and Basist
- Saxaphonist, Keyboardist and Basist
- Keyboardist, Basist and Percusionist (Drums)

For further information, please contact:
Chang 017-2440459
John    012-2666450

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